“With Zenta” in 20 Seconds magazine

Sophie Thun, Līga Goldberga, “With Zenta,” 20 Seconds, Issue 5, 2022: 97-116. https://www.20secondsmag.com/store/issue5

“With Zenta” includes a new photo essay by Sophie Thun, based on photographic self-portraits of Zenta Dzividzinska (1944-2011), with text co-authored by Līga Goldberga.

20 Seconds is a print-only magazine for experimental music and art. It’s built by and for designers, writers and photographers who feel they’re not being challenged enough by what they’re reading and seeing. Learn more about the magazine: https://www.20secondsmag.com/


"Intimacy and Darkness” in Zenta Dzividzinska’s photographs


“Sophie Thun Interprets Zenta Dzividzinska’s Negatives: A Case Study of Exploring and Re-evaluation of a Private Photo Archive”